L’ambito di ricerca del Laboratorio Hanczyc presso l’Università di Trento si centra sull’integrazione di aspetti funzionali di vita artificiale, sintetica e naturale. Siamo specializzati in dinamiche d’interfaccia, modelli chimici complessi, strategie d’ottimizzazione, interazioni tra sistemi chimici e robot, fondamenti di materiali intelligenti, biologia sintetica e nuovi materiali bio-ispirati per architettura e ingegneria.
Progetti di ricerca
- Cellule Artificiali
Stiamo sviluppando varie tipologie di cellule artificiali, basate su doppi strati lipidici e emulsioni olio in acqua. Questi modelli vengono usati per esplorare caratteristiche proprie di sistemi viventi come moto, divisione, trasformazioni biochimiche, dinamiche di gruppo e identità. Parallelamente allo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie basate su cellule artificiali, esploriamo l’uso di queste ultime in ecologie di cellule naturali. Il progetto ACDC finanziato da UE fornisce ulteriori dettagli:
- Biologia Artificiale, Robotica e Arte
ABRA (Artificial Biology, Robotics and Art) è un Progetto focalizzato sull’innovazione e rinnovo dell’educazione attraverso lo sviluppo di metodi d’istruzione superiore transdisciplinari che connettano arti e scienze per migliorarne la sostenibilità, con particolare riguardo per i campi di biologia artificiale, robotica e arte. Il progetto promuove esplicitamente conoscenze transdisciplinari e lo sviluppo di capacità nell’educazione superiore per far fronte al divario di capacità nel far fronte a problemi ambientali e cambiamenti climatici, e promuove eccellenze in insegnamento e sviluppo di capacità per studenti e educatori. Sito del progetto ABRA.
Membri del gruppo
- Martin M. Hanczyc, PI
- Silvia Holler, ricercatore post-doc
- Alessia Faggian, ricercatrice post-doc
- Richard Loeffler, ricercatore post-doc
- Federica Casiraghi, dottoranda
- Matteo Degrassi, dottorando
- Adriano Caliari, dottorando in visita
- Aitor Patino Diaz, dottorando in visita
- Lorena Cebolla, project manager
- Jitka Čejková, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague Takashi Ikegami, University of Tokyo, Japan Christian Kerrigan, London, UK
- Pietro Faccioli, Trento
- Antonella Motta, Trento
- Emiliano Biasini, Trento
- Vicenzo Sglavo, Trento
- Nicola Pugno, Trento
- J Dixon, UConn, USA
- Jerzy Gorecki, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
- Shinpei Tanaka, School of Integrated Arts & Sciences, Hiroshima University, Japan
- Tetsuya Yomo, East China Normal University, China
Pubblicazioni selezionate
Holler, S., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2020). Autoselective transport of mammalian cells with a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.
Hanczyc, M. M. (2020) Engineering Life: A Review of Synthetic Biology. Artificial Life 26 (2), 260-273.
Loffler, R.J.G., Hanczyc, M. M. and Gorecki J. (2019) A hybrid camphor–camphene wax material for studies on self-propelled motion. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. Advance Article
Pasternak, G., Yang, Y., Santos, B. B., Brunello, F., Hanczyc, M. M., & Motta, A. (2019). Regenerated silk fibroin membranes as separators for transparent microbial fuel cells. Bioelectrochemistry, 126, 146-155.
Uluşeker, C., Torres-Bacete, J., García, J. L., Hanczyc, M. M., Nogales, J., & Kahramanoğulları, O. (2019). Quantifying dynamic mechanisms of auto-regulation in Escherichia coli with synthetic promoter in response to varying external phosphate levels. Scientific reports, 9(1), 2076.
Pasternak, G., & Hanczyc, M. M. (2019). Novel method for detecting and quantifying phenol with transient response of glycolytic oscillations of synchronised yeast cells. Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 100259.
You, J., Wallis, L., Radisavljevic, N., Pasternak, G., Sglavo, V. M., Hanczyc, M. M., Greenman, J & Ieropoulos, I. (2019). A Comprehensive Study of Custom-Made Ceramic Separators for Microbial Fuel Cells: Towards “Living” Bricks. Energies, 12(21), 4071.
Matsushita-Ishiodori, Y., Hanczyc, M. M., Wang, A., Szostak, J. W., & Yomo, T. (2019). Using Imaging Flow Cytometry to Quantify and Optimize Giant Vesicle Production by Water-in-oil Emulsion Transfer Methods. Langmuir.
Maurer, Sarah E., Kristian Tølbøl Sørensen, Zaki Iqbal, Jacqueline Nicholas, Kevin Quirion, Michael Gioia, Pierre-Alain Monnard, and Hanczyc, M. M. "Vesicle Self-Assembly of Monoalkyl Amphiphiles under the Effects of High Ionic Strength, Extreme pH, and High Temperature Environments." Langmuir 34, no. 50 (2018): 15560-15568.
Holler, S., Porcelli, C., Ieropoulos, I. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2018. Transport of live cells under sterile conditions using a chemotactic droplet. Scientific reports, 8(1), 8408.
Monnard, P. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2018. Self-assembly and primitive membrane formation: between stability and dynamism. In Self-assembly: From Surfactants To Nanoparticles. Wiley-VCH. (Book Chapter)
Hanczyc, M. M., & Monnard, P. A. 2017. Primordial membranes: more than simple container boundaries. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 40, 78-86.
Bavastrello, V., Caliari, A., Pesce, I., Bagatolli, L. A., & Hanczyc, M. M. 2017. Easy and Fast Preparation of Large and Giant Vesicles from Highly Confined Thin Lipid Films Deposited at the Air–Water Interface. BioNanoScience, 1-11.
Čejková, J., Banno, T., Hanczyc, M. M., & Štěpánek, F. 2017. Droplets As Liquid Robots. Artificial life, 23(4), 528-549.
Gordon, R., Hanczyc, M. M., N.D. Denkov, M.A. Tiffany & S.K. Smoukov 2017. Emergence of polygonal shapes in oil droplets and living cells: The potential role of tensegrity in the origin of life. In: Habitability of the Universe Before Earth [in series: Astrobiology: Exploring Life on Earth and Beyond, eds. Pabulo Henrique Rampelott, Joseph Seckbach & Richard Gordon]. R. Gordon & A.A. Sharov, (Eds.) Amsterdam, Elsevier B.V.: (Book Chapter)
Čejková, J., Holler, S., Quyen, N. T., Kerrigan, C., Štěpánek, F. & Hanczyc, M. M. 2017, Chemotaxis and chemokinesis of living and non-living objects. Advances in Unconventional Computing (edited by Adamatzky, A.) Springer. (Book Chapter)
Čejková, J., Štěpánek, F., Hanczyc, M. M. 2016. Evaporation-induced pattern formation of decanol droplets. Langmuir, 32 (19), 4800–4805.
Hadorn, M., Boenzli, E., Hanczyc, M. M. 2016. Specific and reversible DNA-directed self-assembly of modular vesicle-droplet hybrid materials. Langmuir, 2016, 32 (15), 3561–3566.
Salar-García, M. J., Gajda, I., Ortiz-Martínez, V. M., Greenman, J., Hanczyc, M. M., de Los Ríos, A. P., & Ieropoulos, I. A. 2016. Microalgae as substrate in low cost terracotta-based microbial fuel cells: Novel application of the catholyte produced. Bioresource Technology, 209, 380-385.
Kunstmann-Olsen, C., Hanczyc, M. M., Hoyland, J., Rasmussen, S. and Rubahn, H.G., 2016. Uniform droplet splitting and detection using Lab-on-Chip Flow Cytometry on a microfluidic PDMS device. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical.
Ikegami T, Horibe N, Hanczyc, M. M. 2015. Potential Memory Effects in Self-Moving Oil Droplets. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. 11.5-6: 345-355.
Andersen JL, Flamm C, Hanczyc, M. M., Merkle D. 2015. Towards Optimal DNA-Templated Computing. International Journal of Unconventional Computing. May 1;11.
Hanczyc, M. M., Parrilla, J. M., Nicholson, A., Yanev, K., Stoy, K. 2015. Creating and maintaining chemical artificial life by robotic symbiosis. Artificial Life, doi:10.1162/ARTL_a_00151
Hanczyc, M. M. 2014. Droplets: Unconventional Protocell Model with Life-Like Dynamics and Room to Grow. Life, 4(4), 1038-1049.
Čejková, J., Novák, M., Štěpánek, F., Hanczyc, M. M. 2014. Dynamics of chemotactic droplets in salt concentration gradients. Langmuir, 30(40), 11937-11944.
Andersen JK, Andersen T, Flamm C, Hanczyc, M. M., Merkle D, Stadler PF. 2013. Navigating the Chemical Space of HCN Polymerization and Hydrolysis: Guiding Graph Grammars by Mass Spectrometry Data. Entropy. 15(10), 4066-4083.
Armstrong R, Hanczyc, M. M.. 2013. Bütschli Dynamic Droplet System. Artificial Life, 19(3-4): 331-346.
Caschera F, Rasmussen S, Hanczyc, M. M.. 2013. An Oil Droplet Division-Fusion Cycle, ChemPlusChem, 78: 52–54. doi: 10.1002/cplu.201200275.
Hadorn, M., Boenzli, E., Sørensen, K. T., De Lucrezia, D., Hanczyc, M. M., & Yomo, T. 2013. Defined DNA-mediated assemblies of gene-expressing giant unilamellar vesicles. Langmuir, 29(49), 15309-15319.
Hadorn M, Boenzli E, Sørensen KT, Fellermann H, Eggenberger Hotz P, Hanczyc, M. M.. 2012. Specific and Reversible DNA-directed Self-Assembly of Oil-in-Water Emulsion Droplets. PNAS, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1214386109.
Hadorn M, Boenzli E, Eggenberger Hotz P, Hanczyc, M. M.. 2012. Hierarchical Unilamellar Vesicles of Controlled Compositional Heterogeneity, PLoS ONE, 7 (11) e50156.