The University of Trento promotes the constant enhancement of the quality of its Departments, study programs, research, and third mission, using the tools indicated by the AVA framework (internal QA, external QA, and accreditation of the Italian university system) as part of the Quality Assurance policy of the University.

We welcome any suggestions or feedback on quality by sending an email to: segnalazioni.studenti.cibio [at]

Quality Assurance of Teaching

The Department aims to create a Quality Assurance Framework compliant with University policies, as required by Art. 15 of the University teaching regulations, adopted by the Rector’s decree no. 461 of 27 August 2013, as amended by Rector’s decree no. 412 of 2 July 2015 and by Rector’s decree no. 841 of 19 December 2016.

The Department has a self-assessment group (composed of the course coordinators and the head of relations with stakeholders) which constantly monitors the initiatives undertaken and results generated by the various courses of study, also by means of annual program monitoring chart compilation and, when required or deemed necessary, the drafting of a periodic review report.
The self-assessment group, coordinated by the course coordinator and also including a number of students as per the regulations, collects and examines the complaints submitted by students and provides a reply, as appropriate.

Students' views on teaching and their level of satisfaction are essential to the self-assessment process. Teachers, course review groups, and joint student-teacher committees can then identify and implement measures to enhance the quality of teaching.

Research and Third Mission Quality Assurance

The Department implements its quality assurance policy in line with the quality assurance framework of the University for research and teaching and learning, in compliance with regulations in force and ANVUR’s suggestions.

The Department implements its quality assurance policy in line with the quality assurance framework of the University for research, teaching, and learning, which is in compliance with regulations in force and ANVUR’s suggestions.

In regards to research, the CIBIO Department has established a Research Committee responsible for the annual planning, tracking, and monitoring of the research as well as the quality achievements of research objectives. The Committee is also involved in the elaboration of a review of the research, in the reporting on their monitoring outcomes to the Consiglio meeting, and in the communication of key research outcomes through the web.

The Department has also established a number of internal measures to encourage the quality of research – by enhancing the visibility of selected articles through the web, by defining measures (according to University guidelines) enabling reduction of the teaching load for researchers who have been awarded highly competitive “career advancing projects” funding (such as, for example, ERC, Armenise-Harvard Foundation, Telethon, AIRC), with the allocation of available funds (according to criteria proposed by the Research Commission and approved by the Council of the CIBIO Department) aimed to temporarily support researchers with an excellent scientific curriculum.

Technology transfer is another main aim of the CIBIO Department; therefore, a large number of initiatives have been undertaken to encourage more and more researchers to file patents, in order to attract the capital needed to co-finance biotechnological start-up initiatives on the territory.

The CIBIO Department also pays great attention to the dissemination of knowledge in the biomedical and biotechnological fields. This is achieved through the organization of yearly Outreach and Communication events, for both the scientific community (summer schools, conferences) and wider audiences (cycles of seminars, coffee science, seminars at the high schools of the Province of Trento, the "Neuroscience Olympics" with high schools).

The actors participating in the Research and Third Mission Quality Assurance framework are required to fill in or update the following documents/databases:

  • the “SUA-RD”, the Annual Summary Report of research at the department
  • the Periodic Review Report

Organization for Quality Assurance

The Department has established a Quality assurance committee headed by its Delegate for Quality to serve as a coordination and integration body for the various programs offered.
The Delegate is supported by a program coordinator and a representative of the staff. The Students Representatives who sit in the Department Council are also members of the committee.

Members of the quality assurance framework at the Department:


The Director coordinates the Department's teaching and scientific policies and works to implement them, represents the Department, presides over the Council and the Board, and attends to the execution of their resolutions.

The Director of the Department is prof. Paolo Macchi

Delegate for Quality

The Delegate for Quality promotes the constant monitoring and enhancement of the Quality of Teaching and Learning, Research, and Third Mission at the Department, as well as ensuring a constant comparison between the University and the Department regarding Quality assurance initiatives.

The Delegate for Quality at the Department is dott. Giovanni Provenzano.

Department Board

The Board is the collective body of the Department and is responsible for quality assurance.

Joint student-teacher Committee(CPDS)

The Joint Committee of students and faculty members is formed at the level of the University Structure with the greatest possible representation of students from the programs offered by the department.
It is responsible for:

  • monitoring the educational offer and the quality of teaching
  • identifying indicators for the evaluation of programme performance
  • formulating opinions on the activation and abolition of study programs
  • reporting the opinions and views of students to their representatives for each study programme

Programme Coordinators

Coordinators are responsible for programmes planning and revision and also for drafting the Annual Programme Report (SUA-Cds), the Annual Programme Reviews, and the Periodic Programme Review. They must carry out effective monitoring regarding course progression, ensuring everything expected during review is achieved, as well as during a periodic review of the educational objectives of courses, checking that the proposed objectives are met and acting in a timely manner when problems arise.

Bachelor's Degree programs

Master’s degree programs

Course review groups / Self-assessment Groups on teaching and learning

The groups hold the primary role in the self-assessment process for the study programs as they are the people directly involved in the implementation of the review process. They compile the annual program monitoring chart and the periodic review report, ensuring that the programs are monitored and intervening if the criticism is received with appropriate measures for improvement.

Bachelor's Degree in Biomolecular Sciences and Technology

Master's Degree in Quantitative and Computational Biology

Master's Degree in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology

Students Representatives

The main tasks for student representatives are to report comments, criticisms, and suggestions for improvement that relate to the education course and to ascertain that transparency and sharing of the information are guaranteed.

Student participation is expected in all self-assessment groups and in the joint student-teacher committee.

Student representatives

It is possible to contact the Students' Representatives: rapp.stud.cibio [at]

Complaints and Suggestions

With a view to the constant enhancement of organization and teaching activity at the Department, students can report issues and send suggestions which then help to identify problems in the quality of teaching or support services and find solutions. Any complaints and suggestions should be sent to segnalazioni.studenti.cibio [at]

Complaints may also concern events or behavior believed to be inappropriate. Such complaints will be suitably investigated while ensuring confidentiality.

It is possible to contact the Delegate for Quality at the Department, dott. Giovanni Provenzano for complaints and suggestions 

There are also the following guarantee bodies at the University level:

  • The Student Rights Liason Officer, a university contact responsible for students, as well as for their relations with teachers and technical-administrative staff;
  • The Committee for equal opportunities for well-being at work and against discriminations, works to promote and protect equal opportunities and well-being in the working environment among the University’s staff;
  • The Confidential counselor is in charge of preventing, managing, and helping to solve cases of bullying and sexual harassment brought to her attention that occur in the workplace or study environment.