Davide Aiello, dottorando
davide.aiello [at] unitn.it
Giacomo Antonello, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
giacomo.antonello [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Chiara Maria Argento, dottoranda, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
chiaramaria.argento [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Giulia Assoni, dottoranda, Laboratory of Genomic Screening
giulia.assoni [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283094
Agata Sofia Assuncao Carreira, dottoranda, Laboratory of Genomic Screening
as.assuncaocarreira [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283094
Ingrid Battistella, dottoranda, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology
ingrid.battistella [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 283438
Guendalina Bergonzoni, dottoranda, NeuroEpigenetics Laboratory
g.bergonzoni [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285249
Chiara Bernardis, dottoranda, Laboratory of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics
chiara.bernardis [at] unitn.it - +39 0461 283767
Nicole Bettin, dottoranda, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
nicole.bettin [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283438
Riccardo Bevilacqua, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
riccardo.bevilacqua@unitn.igiulia.fracassi [at] unitn.it (t) - tel. +39 0461 282711
Valerio Bonaldo, dottorando, Dulbecco Telethon Laboratory of Prions and Amyloids
valerio.bonaldo [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Alice Bonato, dottoranda
alice.bonato [at] unitn.it
Federica Boso, dottoranda
federica.boso-1 [at] unitn.it
Ilaria Brentari, dottoranda, Laboratory of RNA Biology and Biotechnology
ilaria.brentari [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285249
Davide Bressan, dottorando, Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cancer Genomics
davide.bressan-1 [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285249
Emma Busarello, dottoranda, Laboratory of RNA and Disease Data Science
emma.busarello [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 283438
Nicole Bussola, dottoranda
nicole.bussola [at] unitn.it
Thomas Cantore, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
thomas.cantore [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282711
Niccolò Carlino, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
niccolo.carlino [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Irene Carrozzo, dottoranda, Laboratory of Molecular Virology
irene.carrozzo [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283917
Federica Casiraghi, dottoranda, Laboratory for Artificial Biology
federica.casiraghi [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283438
Maria Elena Castellini, dottoranda, Laboratory of Developmental Neurobiology
maria.castellini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282745
Adriana Teresa Ceci, dottoranda
adrianateresa.ceci [at] unitn.it
Jessica Corsi, dottoranda, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
jessica.corsi [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285225
Lorenzo Croia, dottorando, Laboratory of Synthetic and Structural Vaccinology
lorenzo.croia [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282741
Sarah D'Annunzio, dottoranda, Laboratory of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics
sarah.dannunzio [at] unitn.it - +39 0461 283767
Davide Dalfovo, dottorando, Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
davide.dalfovo [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282791
Andrea Dallapè, dottorando
andrea.dallape [at] unitn.it
Beatrice Dalpedri, dottoranda, Laboratory of Neurogenomic Biomarkers
beatrice.dalpedri [at] unitn.it
Alessia Del Piano, dottoranda
alessia.delpiano [at] unitn.it
Eliana Destefanis, dottoranda, Laboratory of RNA Regulatory Networks
eliana.destefanis [at] unitn.it -
Francesca Destefanis, dottoranda Laboratory of Drosophila modeling of human diseases
francesca.destefanis [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283070
Luisa Donini, dottoranda, Laboratory of transcriptional neurobiology
luisa.donini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283732
Deborah Donzel, dottoranda
deborah.donzel [at] unitn.it
Leonard Dubois, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
leonard.dubois [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Fabrizio Fabbiano, dottorando, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
fabrizio.fabbiano [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285225
Elisa Facen, dottoranda, Laboratory of Genomic Screening
elisa.facen [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 283094
Elisa Ferracci, dottoranda, Laboratory of Stem Cells and Cancer Genomics
elisa.ferracci [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 285249
Giuseppe Fiorentino, dottorando
giuseppe.fiorentino [at] unitn.it
Paolo Vincenzo Fioretti, dottorando, Laboratory of transcriptional neurobiology
paolo.fioretti [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283732
Giulia Fracassi, dottoranda, Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
giulia.fracassi@unitn.igiulia.fracassi [at] unitn.it (t) - tel. +39 0461 282711
Gian Marco Franceschini, dottorando Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
gian.franceschini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282711
Berenice Furlan, dottoranda, Laboratory of Bacterial Genetics & Physiology
berenice.furlan [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 283732
Francesca Garilli, dottoranda, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
francesca.garilli [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Matteo Gianesello, dottorando, Armenise-Harvard Laboratory of Brain Disorders and Cancer
matteo.gianesello [at] unitn.it- +39 0461 283095
Valentina Gilmozzi, dottoranda
v.gilmozzi [at] unitn.it
Davide Golzato, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
davide.golzato [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Angelo Guarniero, dottorando, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
angelo.guarniero [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Elena Gurrieri, dottoranda, Laboratory of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine
elena.gurrieri [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285225
Meriem Hadjer Hamadou, dottoranda, Laboratory of Transcriptional Networks
meriemhadjer.hamadou [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Nicole Innocenti, dottoranda, Dulbecco Telethon Laboratory of Prions and Amyloids
nicole.innocenti [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Chiara Lago, dottoranda, Armenise-Harvard Laboratory of Brain Disorders and Cancer
chiara.lago [at] unitn.it - +39 0461 283095
Asiye Malkoç, dottoranda, Laboratory of Synaptic Plasticity
asiye.malkoc [at] unitn.it
Valeria Manara, dottoranda Laboratory of Drosophila modeling of human diseases
valeria.manara [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283070
Federica Maniscalco, dottoranda
federica.maniscalco [at] unitn.it">federica.maniscalco [at] unitn.it
Federica Marelli, dottoranda, Laboratory of Molecular Virology
federica.marelli [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283917
Leonardo Morelli, dottorando, Laboratory of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics
leonardo.morelli-1 [at] unitn.it- +39 0461 283767
Antonio Mura, dottorando
antonio.mura [at] unitn.it
Maria Luce Negri, dottoranda, Laboratory of Chromatin Biology & Epigenetics
marialuce.negri [at] unitn.it - +39 0461 283767
Francesco Orlando, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
francesco.orlando [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282711
Claudio Oss Pegorar, dottorando, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
claudio.osspegorar [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283438
Martina Paganin, dottoranda
martina.paganin [at] unitn.it
Marta Paoli, dottoranda, Laboratory of Computational and Functional Oncology
marta.paoli [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282711
Eleonora Parolin, dottoranda,Laboratory of Protein Crystallography and Structure-Based Drug Design
eleonora.parolin [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285294
Eleonora Pedrazzoli, dottoranda, Laboratory of Molecular Virology
eleonora.pedrazzoli [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283917
Gianmarco Piccinno, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
gianmarco.piccinno [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Giulia Pontali, dottoranda
giulia.pontali [at] unitn.it
Carlos Francisco Peula Cordero, dottorando, Laboratory of RNA Regulatory Networks
carlos.peulacordero [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 28
Georgios Poulentzas, dottorando, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
georgios.poulentzas [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Eleonora Prodi, dottoranda, Laboratory of Synthetic and Structural Vaccinology
eleonora.prodi [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282741
Michal Puncochar, dottorando, Laboratory of Computational Metagenomics
michal.puncochar [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285285
Benedetta Ricci, dottoranda, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
benedetta.ricci [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Elena Righetti, dottoranda, Laboratory of Neurogenomic Biomarkers
elena.righetti-1 [at] unitn.it
Emanuele Filiberto Rosatti, dottorando, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
emanuele.rosatti [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Daniele Rossetto, dottorando, The Armenise-Harvard laboratory of synthetic and reconstructive biology
daniele.rossetto [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283431
Giulia Rotta, dottoranda, Laboratory of Synthetic and Structural Vaccinology
giulia.rotta [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282741
Giulia Vittoria Ruta, dottoranda, Laboratory of Molecular Virology
giuliavittoria.ruta [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283917
Valeria Savoca, dottoranda, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
valeria.savoca [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283438
Riccardo Scandino, dottorando Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics
riccardo.scandino [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282791
Enrico Sebastiani, dottorando Laboratory of Translational Genomics
enrico.sebastiani [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Martina Sevegnani, dottoranda Dulbecco Telethon Laboratory of Biology of Synapses
martina.sevegnani [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Silvia Tamburini, dottoranda, Laboratory of Synthetic and Structural Vaccinology
silvia.tamburini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 282741
Maria Claudia Torrieri , dottoranda, Laboratory of transcriptional neurobiology
maria.torrieri [at] unitn.it
Gabriele Trentini, dottorando, Laboratory of Protein Crystallography and Structure-Based Drug Design
gabriele.trentini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285294
Katharina Tschigg, dottoranda
katharina.tschigg [at] unitn.it
Anju Tomar, dottoranda, The Armenise-Harvard laboratory of synthetic and reconstructive biology
anju.tomar [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283431
Alessandro Umbach, dottorando, Laboratory of Molecular Virology
alessandro.umbach [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283917
Luca Valer, dottorando, The Armenise-Harvard laboratory of synthetic and reconstructive biology
luca.valer [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283431
Federico Vannuccini, dottorando Dulbecco Telethon Laboratory of Biology of Synapses
federico.vannuccini [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Teresa Vanzo, dottoranda, Laboratory of Virus-Cell Interaction
teresa.vanzo [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 285248
Jacopo Vigna, dottorando, Laboratory of Translational Genomics
jacopo.vigna [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283096
Vincenza Vigorito, dottoranda, Armenise-Harvard Laboratory of Cell Division
vincenza.vigorito [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283767
Ilaria Zeni, dottoranda, Dulbecco Telethon Laboratory of Prions and Amyloids
ilaria.zeni [at] unitn.it - tel. +39 0461 283665
Khouloud Zribi, dottoranda, Laboratory of Genomic Screening
khouloud.zribi [at] unitn.it- tel. +39 0461 283094