The Centre for Integrative Biology (CIBIO) is a cutting-edge academic biomedical research institute at the University of Trento in Italy. CIBIO is currently at the top of the Italian State University ranking for quality of research in Biological Sciences (ANVUR 2011-2014). The Centre brings together more than 43 talented faculty members who are committed to the understanding of fundamental biological processes through a variety of integrated multidisciplinary basic and translational approaches in four major research programs: Cancer Biology and Genomics; Cell and Molecular Biology; Microbiology and Synthetic Biology; Neurobiology and Development.
The CIBIO Cell Analysis and Separation Core Facility is an academic research and service Facility. It offers to research groups at the University of Trento and external collaborators access to flow cytometry analysis, cell sorting, and small particle analysis. The Facility supports cutting-edge research in different fields, including cancer biology, stem cell biology, neurobiology, microbiology, and synthetic biology. In addition, the Facility has been developing expertise in the field of Extracellular Vesicles and provides dedicated consultancy and analysis services.
Services and analysis
Flow cytometry services can be provided for different cell types, tissue-derived cells, and small particles. Some examples are:
Cell phenotyping
Identification and enumeration of subpopulations of cells in heterogeneous samples.
Cell Cycle Analysis
This analysis is commonly used in drug development studies to measure compound toxicity or anti-tumoral activity. It is also used in gene modification and cell differentiation studies.
Cell Proliferation
Cell proliferation analyses are used for cell growth and differentiation studies.
Cell Viability and Apoptosis assays
These analyses are frequently used for drug/compound screening applications in determining sensitivity to a given drug and toxicity.
Cell sorting
Sorting of sub-populations of cells out of a heterogeneous sample.
- Cell selection and cloning of cells with gene editing events
- Single-cell sorting.
- Rare cell sorting.
Small particle analysis
- Size distribution and concentration
- Multiparametric analysis
- Hands-on training in properly operating the Facility instruments.
BD FACSSymphony A1: 405, 488, 561, 633 nm lasers; 14 parameters, small particle detection option.
BD FACS Aria™ IIIu: 488, 633 and 405nm lasers, 14 pameters, 4 way sort, single cell sorting into multi-well plates, refrigerator option. Nozzle sizes available: 70, 85, 100 and 130 um.
ImageStream x Mark II: non-conventional flow cytometry application and small particle analysis. 488, 642 and 405nm lasers, 2 camera configurations, 60X/40X/20X magnification and 96 -well plate loader.
qNano GOLD provides accurate information about small particle dimension, size distribution, concentration and surface charge.
Nanosight NS300 measures particle concentration and size distributions in size range 10-1000nm; 532 Laser and syringe pump.
Why choose us
The facility offers to both academic and industrial partners state-of-the-art instrumentation, expertise and consultancy in a variety of research areas.
The facility can assist users in implementing flow cytometry techniques in their research activities and provide custom solutions tailored on their scientific needs.